Feeding the birds can help save lives.

I feel like a new person when I am appropriately treated by the medical, from brushes to aches and pains from my body to the brain.

Patrick Olson
Leveled up


Photo by CDC on Unsplash.

There are very many ways to take medicine, and a shot is one that I am not very fond of myself. However, it has proven quick effects on the brain and or other targeted parts of the body. I have found many different uses of the needle myself. When I was a child, I wouldn’t say I liked the needle until we had baby birds with them.

Mother taught each one of us how to hold and feed the baby birds right in the palm of our hands. We would keep the baby birds with one hand while with the other one stay with the other side. Of course, the tips of the needles weren’t in the syringe tool we were feeding the birds with by hand. However, there is a story behind that as well.

The food had to be somewhat warm and very soft. I don’t fully remember what was in that mix. However, it was a tannish brown color my Mother would mix up. I do know that my father had spoken up about it looking like a heroin fix for the real drug users out there. My Mother said she sees these kinds of things being made up all the time at work.

I know my Mother was saying that by feeding the birds, we would learn a lot about life through this process of helping the young birds feed for the first few weeks of there lives. Not only does it help tame the birds, but we also got our imagination with all that we were learning on how to feed the birds.

If it’s all the same, I know my older brother was always going for a multitude of females, and he never wanted to settle down with one. He wasn’t even planning to have a family. However, he did become the strongest one of the family. Also, though, he didn’t stay married to his second kids’ Mother. He showed the rest of the sibs true love that was stolen from them when my parents separated while we were young.

I believe that came from feeding them little birds by hand. My oldest sib can be a rough character in life as he bruised me up no problem. It was the other ones that amazed me. However, the growth of a fighter doesn’t need to be, as he did have a loving side to him, and I was proud to be there and witness some of them.

I know I mention it earlier on about how my parents specified drugs being part of the story of feeding the birds. In my situation, I was born with a chemical imbalance to the brain, and highly likely to have a greater need not to fear the needle. However, our neighbors who go just as interested in raising birds themselves found out their young one wanted to shot drugs into his system just like my father was talking about earlier. Me hating needles was thinking if I could do it safely, I might like to try it out.

That was one of the conversations I heard my parents talking about how people did their drug usage from an event like this from their childhood. I never really noticed any books in my parents’ hands. However, I will say they both were pretty professional at their job skill level, and more than likely got the word from those who did read books.

Just like they figured we got interested talked about it, then later in life went about it. It never really made much sense to take a drug that was going to make you go up in a speed like way. Then turn around, and take some medication to slow you down. I mean, you would be one way and then shifting the other way.

I know it doesn’t sound right, and that is why I keep finding myself recovering much faster than many others who lose much more than I have. Then again, they had much more to forget then I could ever think of getting in the first place. They were more significant time than I was.

On the other hand, I was more able to accept taking a shot from the doctor’s office, even know it didn’t give me much stimulation. I did notice an effect hitting the brain. I saw over time that injection medication has helped to get my thoughts off the same thing I was going over again in my head.

During a time of one and a half years of not just being homeless, I was also staying awake the whole time. I was making friends with the animals, and picking up a particular type of hearing that allowed me to understand the sounds them birds were making. It might have been chemicals that put me out in the streets.

However, now that I am with a home for four years now, I can see where these people got these Ideals of the superhero. I don’t feel that I am a mutant. However, I do think that there is something more spiritual out there that most of us don’t have the time even to notice.

I do believe my Mother was very much into taking us kids to the hospital for the smallest things possible. I know my grandfather used to complain about the number of times my mom has taken me into the hospital was going to make it where the hospital was going to keep me in some program that I would not like to be involved in anymore. That is what I am going through now with the courts.

I remember them needles going into my arm, and how badly it hurt. So that isn’t my thing. However, as I said earlier, over time, it is working. Even the dentist made me nervous, as I know the pain in my mouth would soon be over. One thing that kept my mind going there was them baby birds getting a full tummy with a syringe full of food made special just for them.

Even though feeding the birds was somewhat fun. I still feel kind of funny about it when I see a nest out in the wild. Birds do what they do, and why do we humans always have to get our hands into the business of the wildlife. Many people use the term preservation of a species is one reason to become friendly with the wild like creatures that are out there.

I mean, there are bones of reptiles just as tall as some of the buildings are in the downtown region. I know one picture that was always nice to see was an old lady with a bag of seeds spreading them out for the birds to feed on throughout the day. That is a much safer way to feed the birds, I would say.



Patrick Olson
Leveled up

Stories from me come from living in a small metropolitan community. Life seems to change all the time. I hope you enjoy them all as they are all real.